• alokin@post.com
  • Sofia, Bulgaria


Introducing – aOS “Sunrise”! (otherwise called alokinGI)

A simple, and beautiful operating system.

aOS Sunrise running at 600×400 resolution because of website limitations

aOS is the key to customization. Thanks to KDE (kde.org), you can customize your aOS in many ways. You can customize:

  • Fonts
  • Themes
  • Icons
  • Cursors
  • Log-in screens
  • Loading Screens and many more…

With alokinOS’ clean controls, icons and management tools, you can navigate around easilly.

If you are asked for a Decryption Key, enter the following code:



  1. Install VMWare Player (12 or later) https://www.vmware.com/products/workstation-player/workstation-player-evaluation.html
  2. Install the file from the button (it’s about 6GB)
  3. Once you have downloaded it, extract the folder inside to anywhere you want
  4. In the folder, click on the app with three overlaying windows and then start the machine.

System requirements:

  • At least 1 GB of VRAM
  • 40 GB of free space
  • 2GB of RAM

Enjoy! A full guide of the GI/OS will be out soon.

Sources used for creation of alokinOS:

  • VMWare – vmware.com
  • Arch Linux – archlinux.org
  • KDE – kde.org
  • LibreOffice – libreoffice.org
  • Google Inc. – google.com/chrome

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