• alokin@post.com
  • Sofia, Bulgaria

alokinBlogs Website Update 3-15

At this time of the year, I implement big changes to the website interface, and I am doing it again, for the third time! I will not be having an overhaul of new things, but there will be improvements in creativity, quality etc.

This update was supposed to be scheduled for December 1st, but I moved it to November 21st.

The first improvement of alokinBlogs (v20) is the added widgets. The widgets are the boxes on the side of the blog, and contain information about the blog, the subscribe button and updates, as well as upcoming blogs. They add a bit more to the effect of a proper news source.

The colour scheme has changed, as well. It is now orange with blue. The text is blue and the logo is orange, as well as the Credit Bar at the bottom of each page. The theme was provided by Cyclone and distributed by WordPress.org and I found it the best for the site, as it was compatible and had a nice look.

The font of the text has been changed with a more classic type of writing. It almost feels like it has been handwritten, but in a minimalistic way. It just adds a bit more to the originality of the website.

As of the other things, I am going to be mainly focusing on the website and not alokinOS, as I just don’t find the time to make it compatible and put new updates to it. There is a chance that development will start in December, and the Public version will be released somewhere between January 22nd and February 22nd, but, as I said, I am not sure about that.

As of growth, this website is not considered famous, but it is already visited by many people around the world. There are 70 to 100 viewers a day, which is very good. If you really do the math, it will appear that around 4 people visit my website every hour. That is around a view every 15 minutes. That’s a lot… Thank you for visiting and admiring my work, I could not be more thankful. It all just started as a hobby, I reached around 2 viewers a day at the beginning, and now I get around 80. What a drastic change! I actually got a hosting plan for 2000 people a month, but it exceeded it by the fourth month! It was really something amazing for me.

As of performance, the website is currently improving. From around 175ms loading time to around 0.8 seconds! I am still fixing the issue, as well as adding many more features and other things.

As of monetization, I will not be starting any memberships, donation pages and other things that insist money. The website still remains non-profit. If you really wish to donate, which I highly doubt, please send me an email at alokin@post.com.

My blogs are going to revolve around technology and the nature, as that is what I love.

I also have a Twitter page! I don’t post much, but I am currently searching for a solution to that. My lack of followers there doesn’t really bother me, though. I actually had a TikTok account related to the blog, but I just mainly post skits there from time to time, usually twice a month.

I have been thinking about putting adverts on the side of the website, but I will not be putting them for now. If there is a safe method, I will put one ad at the bottom of the page, or at the top. I am just worried that the website will be slower, as it might be exceeding its bandwidth as you read this.

Expect more features and a slightly different UI from the 21st of November to December 5th!

To sum up, here are all the updates:

  • New font
  • New widgets
  • New special season colours
  • Updated pages

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