• alokin@post.com
  • Sofia, Bulgaria

Contact / Report

This form serves a purpose to send information regarding my site and relative topics. Any form that’s irrelevant will be discarded. If your message serves no use to me at a certain time, it will not receive an answer.

Keep in mind before sending a message:

  • alokinBlogs is a non-profit site and does not accept any type of payment for advertisement spots. We endorse people with these requests to go to Google AdSense or Meta Ads.
  • Requests for services that are not in the circle of blogging, site management, and internet studies are not going to be admired.
  • Only expect a reply if your message is authentic & delivers a key feature that may help me. My replies are short and to the point.

Please read the rules before sending your message!

  1. Forbidden Content
  • Sponsorships are not allowed. This website is not currently accepting sponsors.
  • Bribery is forbidden.
  • Blackmail is forbidden and will be reported.
  • Pornographic contents are forbidden and blocked.

2. Allowed Content

  • Complaints about certain things in the website, either it is a user or a bug, etc.
  • Promotions about something that you think that will be useful for me as a website owner.
  • Law enforcement from valid sources.
  • Other relevant information or news.

(the contact form has been disabled temporarily for maintenance)