• alokin@post.com
  • Sofia, Bulgaria

Welcome to Alokin Blogs Build 135 Public Beta!

Yes, that is right! Build 135 is now the current build on this website. This is the first major build on this domain. To give you some flashbacks, version 10 of KWRTI (the name of the blog in May last year) was the first ever version of this blog page. The main colours were green and blue. It was a successful build that brought me 2 followers. Version 20-70 (June) were very simple, as they included minimal changes. The site names were KurTopi, inogik and ibgs. Version 85 was not a suitable look for the site and was replaced with Version 90 (Early July), the super lite version of my blog, it was doing super well, I got a lot of new followers. Version 100.5 Public Beta took place in September till October. It changed the way the website looked. Version 110 (November – January) just changed some pages and changed the theme.
All versions from here on are in this site. The only version here is 135 Public Beta, it changed the look and adds new visual features. Enjoy!

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