• alokin@post.com
  • Sofia, Bulgaria

The Winter Season – a true miracle!

It’s going to be winter soon! It is my favourite season of the year. I am going to tell you why, and what are the true wonders behind the festive season. Winter season is a very interesting, warm and comfy season. It makes me feel comfortable, connected, seated, relaxed and happy. The main things that make me feel happy are […]

The backstory of alokinOS…

3 years ago, I installed Ubuntu by Canonical on a virtual machine and I loved the new design, but there was a major flaw – most of the programs I used on Windows were not compatible, so I tried an emulator called Wine, but it didn’t work. I was pissed off: – Only if there was a way to make […]

Virtual Payments

In today’s modern world, there are many things that make life easier, like phones, robots, and the Internet. In this first blog, I will be taking about things that make life easier and you should try them. A Virtual Debit Card is a card number that you can add to any phone. Think of it as a normal card, but […]